International Medalist Association, Inc.

"Olympians Passing the Torch to Youth"

  • Camps & Clinics
  • As an educational sports organization, the International Medalist Association recognizes the need to support sports organizations on a regional, national and international level. Utilizing the services of Olympians and Olympic coaches, IMA has facilitated training programs in the areas of coach preparation and athlete development, which enhances the effectiveness of coaches and athletes worldwide.

    IMA can offer services to develope and implement camps in clinics in the following sports:

    A. Track & Field
    B. Basketball
    C. Cultural Arts
    a. dance (african and classical)
    b. drama
    c. voice
    d. video production
    e. art

  • Educational Afterschool Programs
  • Utlizing the services of Olympic athletes to combat community deterioration and juvenile delinquency, IMA has developed after school and summer enrichment and sports programs for youth. IMA is managing one such program at the Collington Square Elementary School in Baltimore, Maryland. IMA was successful at writing a 21st Century Grant for the Baltimore City Public School System. The BCPS grant award for Collington Square was approximatey $1M over three years which allowed IMA to develop, implement and manage this afterschool program that has been a tremendous success to not only the students who attend from three neighboring elementary schools but also the parents and the community.

  • International programs
  • Our Sabbatical Support Programs are designed to provide support to a country by addressing its health, athletic and academic needs. The first of these programs occurred in Madagascar, Africa in February of 2000. Since this time the International Medalist Association has become involved in addressing the athletic and other needs of the following countries:
    1. Ghana
    2. Guinea
    3. Mali
    4. Cote d'Ivoire
    5. Sierra Leone

    Countries we will visit in the future include:

    1. South Africa
    2. Cameroon
    3. Bangladesh
    4. Malaysia

    In 2002, IMA was successful in winning an award from the U.S. Department of State, Office of Citized Exchanges and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, International Sports Programming Initative. This award was given to IMA to develop, implement and train coaches of athetic programs in Islamic Africa an Asia countries as well as initiate an internship program for selected athletes and coaches.

  • Gold Medal Speakers Bureau
  • IMA actively utilizes the services of Olympians and Olympic coaches and operates the Gold Medal Speakers Bureau to impact youth nationally and internationally. Our programs are designed to promote:

    Life Skills
    Increased attention span
    Positive role models
    Positive publicity
    Enhanced self esteem
    Information on Goal Setting, Time management and Life Choices.

    International Medalist Association, Inc.
    1 East Chase Street Suite 11
    Baltimore, MD   21202
    Ph: 410-685-0315
    Fax: 410-685-0318
    [email protected]

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