International Medalist Association, Inc.


1999 Olympic Day
Camps & Clinics


Site Design by 
Sean O'Neill

'88 & '92 US Olympian


February 3rd - February 12th, 2000

Madagascar Images

On February 7, 2000 the initial phase of the Sabbatical Support Project was implemented ed in Antananarivo Madagascar Africa. The program involved more than ISO youth in Antananarivo and in addition to the sport segment, three medical doctors, led by Pan American Games Champion Dr. Bill Hurd provided free eye exams and eye operation to both youth and adults. More than 1000 pair of eye glasses collected were distributed residents of Madagascar.

Olympians involved in this phase of the Sabbatical Support Project included: Lee Evans, Olympic Gold Medal Winner, Ron Freeman, Olympic Gold Medal Winner, Irene Evens and Dr. Bill Hurd, Pan American Champion. In addition Drs. Lawrence Madlock and Bernetta Davis Poole played a major role in the medical segment of the project.

Track & Field Clinic

Approximately 150 youth, ages ranging from 8 years old to 23 years old, participated in the Sabbatical Support Track Clinic, which was held at the Antananarivo Track & FieId Stadium. During the course of the clinic youth learned the art of sprinting, running drill form & techniques, training drills, starting technique, stretching & strength exercises. Discussions were also held with the group on topics such as: physical fitness, life skills, education and how to get a college scholarship.

For many of the participants this was their first experience in participating in a clinic of this type and there were many questions. Clinician Irene Evans did an outstanding job coordinating all of the sessions and translating for the group over the five days of the program.

Each participant was given a Sabbatical Support T-Shirt and a Medal of Peace at the conclusion of the clinic. In addition, two full track scholarships were given to athletes from Madagascar. One athlete has already been selected and she will be attending Washington State University after the Olympic games, The other scholarship is for a male athlete who has not yet been selected.

Infrastructure of Madagascar Youth Sports Programs

During our tour we had the opportunity to visit and meet with individuals and to discuss methods of enhancing and improving the infrastructure of youth sports programs in Madagascar. Meetings and discussions were held at the following offices and institutions:

UNESCO Headquarters
U.S Embassy
University of Madagascar
The Sports Academy
Ecole Normale Superieure
NOC headquarters
Office of the Mayor of Antananarivo
Office of the Minister of Youth and Sports
American School
Special Olympic Mission - The L'orchidee Blanche d'Androhibe

At our meeting with Mr. Victor Randrianandrasana, the General Secretary of UNESCO, we discussed our mission and he pointed out the needs of the youth of Madagascar and stated that he was thankful that we were committed to work with UNESCO to strengthen sports programs for youth in Madagascar.

Our basic discussions with representatives from the University of Madagascar, and the Sports Academy were in the areas of technical assistance and ways to enhance their sports programs.

While each group indicated a need for equipment, books and training materials, we discussed ways that the Sabbatical Support Project may be able to support their efforts. We anticipate following up with each group. In addition, we have referred the University of Madagascar to Stockton State University in the U.S. for consideration in working with the institution about meeting some of the needs.

The second clinic/seminar was also held at the American School in Antananarivo and there were approximately 75-100 students present.  During the seminar Lee Evans and Ron Freeman talked about the importance of physical fitness and how sports can enhance one's life and track & field techniques. As a result, the students and the faculty of the American School will be taking part in an email computer program with an elementary school based in Baltimore, Maryland. The students at the American School would like to share their experiences with students who are in a very poor area of Baltimore. We feel that this could lead to a possible exchange program.

Meetings with the President and Vice President of the NOC went very well. Mr. Henri, (N.O.C. President) Lee Evans, Irene Evans and Ron Freeman held a press conference (arranged by Mr. Henri) on the Sabbatical Support Program that was televised throughout the country. Lee Evans talked about the clinic program and the goals while Ron Freeman talked about the goals of the Sabbatical Support Program and the mission of UNESCO in implementing this program.  We also discussed the support of the I.O.C. and the N.O.C. of Madagascar.  Several newspaper articles were printed throughout our visit.

Mr. Roger Henri, made a request of the International Medallist Association to support the youth of the county by providing stopwatches for all of the schools in Madagascar, and arrange to outfit the Olympic Team. We have since found a sponsor to fund Olympic Uniforms and Pins for the Madagascar Olympic Team.

The medical team, which was led, by Pan American Games Champion Dr. Hurd, Drs. Davis Poole and Madlock performed hundreds of eye exams and eye operations throughout Madagascar. More than 1000 pair of eyeglasses were also distributed to residents of Madagascar.

USAID and the U.S. Embassy also supported this project. Ms. Karen Poe of USIAD made two very nice residences available for the Olympians and Doctors and U.S. Ambassador; Mine. Shirley Barnes supported the project with transportation.

The program ended by Mme. Shirley Barnes, U.S. Ambassador hosting a reception at her home for the Olympians, Doctors and invited guest. At that time, l.M.A. presented medals, t-shirts and basketballs to the various sports organization on behalf of the UNESCO Sabbatical Support Program.

As a result of this project the International Medallist Association in conjunction with UNESCO will support Madagascar in enhancing its sports infrastructure, by providing technical assistance and other support in the areas of sports development and procurement.